The Square Coffee Report: How much is a latte across the country?

sep 29, 2015

Where in the country can you get the most affordable latte? Baristas in which states get the most tips? And how much more popular is coffee than tea among Americans? To answer these questions and more, today we released the Square Coffee Report, an in-depth look at coffee trends in the United States based on sales patterns aggregated from thousands of local cafes across the country. It’s our way of celebrating National Coffee Day.

1 Square Coffee Report

We know that access to data is crucial for cafes across the country. We recently released a Square Dashboard app to make it even easier for sellers to get insights about their own businesses while on the go. They can see which items are most popular among their customers, figure out what time of day is busiest, and make informed decisions to boost sales.

As Sidecar Coffee owner Andy Fuchtman explains, “I get up, check my email, and check my Dashboard app. If I see sales spiking, I’ll add a barista in real time.” He also uses the app to test out new initiatives. “I experimented with a Cappuccino Happy Hour, and after measuring its success, it’s now a regular thing.”

Here at Square, we’re celebrating National Coffee Day in a variety of other ways too. We’ll help sellers give out free cups of coffee and other discounts at select cafes across the country, and businesses will use Square Marketing to get the word out to their customers. Coffee lovers in San Francisco and New York can also get their favorite Blue Bottle New Orleans coffee delivered in 15 minutes or less by using Caviar's Fastbite. And with Square Cash, anyone can donate to Food 4 Farmers and help coffee-farming families fight hunger.

For additional images from the Square Coffee Report, email

About Square, Inc.
Square creates technology that helps sellers of all sizes unlock the value of every sale. Square's register service is a full point-of-sale with tools for every part of running a business, from accepting credit cards and tracking inventory, to real-time analytics and invoicing. Square also offers sellers financial and marketing services, including small business financing and powerful customer engagement tools. Businesses and individuals use Square Cash, the easiest way to send and receive money, as well as Caviar, a food delivery service for high-quality restaurants. Founded in 2009 and headquartered in San Francisco, Square is available globally with offices in the United States, Canada, Japan, and Australia.